"LouAnne's incredible clarity and accuracy around her readings, combined with her generous spirit and beautiful personality make for a powerful experience.
It brought me chills when she shared things with me around my late Aunt and our connection with each other.
Thank you LouAnne for sharing your gift with us!"
"I love working with LouAnne, who is a deeply compassionate and intuitively guided healer. She has helped me see, realize and understand practical or relationship issues, interpret poignant dreams and communicate with transitioned (deceased) friends and family. Our sessions are fun, informative, and healing. Her keen insights and ability to communicate clearly what is happening on a deeper level is profound. I feel peace afterwards and a deeper sense of my own Beingness."
"LouAnne's ability to tap into Spirit and receive clear, concise messages and guidance is truly a Gift. I have received beautiful and profound wisdom from beyond the Veil every time I have worked with LouAnne.
Her message from a departed friend who committed suicide last year brought tremendous clarity and peace to the situation and helped me have closure.
She is an emissary of Love and Peace and I highly recommend working with her."
Gail Edgell
"My boyfriend and I have worked with LouAnne on several occasions to help us understand what was being presented to us. She brings clarity to the subject matter. Anything from relationships (personal and professional) to work opportunities, she has insights to give you a sense of peace and well-being that the universe has your back.
Most recently, I had a session with LouAnne with regard to my relationship with my business partner. For two years, I pushed (really pushed) to make the relationship and the business work. I told myself that because it was such a good product and it could help a lot of people I could not give up. I was resentful for quite some time of how much work I was doing and how little effort my partner was putting into the project. LouAnne helped me to release the ties to this relationship that were holding me hostage, making me angry and sad. Since I have left this partnership, I am more in the flow of life instead of blocking it. I would recommend LouAnne to anyone that feels stuck or needs clarity on a relationship or issue."
"I love working with LouAnne. It always feels very easy and comfortable for me. Our conversations are organic and perfect. After my last session, I felt so expansive. It was as though the final clue of a lifelong riddle was just presented to me. That mystery I spent hours, days, months even years pondering the how, what, when, where, why, became so simple and clear. Everything became OK in my world - actually better than OK.
There are no accidents. If you get the chance or hear that whisper to connect with LouAnne, do it."
"My session with LouAnne was absolutely amazing. I have never felt so close to my husband since he passed. I was experiencing his true essence...
I have cried so many tears of appreciation... there will never again be any doubt in my mind about another dimension. I am thankful with all my heart to LouAnne for this opportunity. She is truly blessed with a beautiful gift."